Identification of sex-specific differences in pain signaling could lead to better treatment

Female chronic pain patients far outnumber males; however, most of the foundational preclinical pain research has been conducted in male rodents only. This has resulted in two barriers to translating basic science findings into new effective clinical treatments: a fundamental lack of knowledge of female pain physiology, and possible species differences between the rodents used […]

Pain is processed differently in women and men: interview with Michael Hildebrand

Episode 116 BEaTS Research Radio- Interview with Dr. Michael Hildebrand Nicole Chu from the University of Ottawa speaks with Dr. Mike Hildebrand, Associate Professor at Carleton University in the Department of Neuroscience and Affiliate Investigator at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. Tune in to learn more about their recent work published in the Journal Brain […]

Discovery reveals blocking inflammation may lead to chronic pain

Findings may lead to reconsideration of how we treat acute pain Using anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids to relieve pain could increase the chances of developing chronic pain, according to researchers from McGill University and colleagues in Italy. Their research puts into question conventional practices used to alleviate pain. Normal recovery from a painful injury involves […]